Order Received

Thank you for your order.  If you haven’t already, please contact us with details about what you want, plus as much information as possible about the branch(s) of the family you want us to research.

If you have a family tree online it may save time if you allow us to access it (let us know which one and we’ll send instructions). 

If you have a family tree on an offline computer programme (or you don’t want to give us access to your online tree) you can send us a copy of the files or export the basic data as a ‘gedcom’ file and send this to us.   Note that this won’t include any photos, so if you want us to include these in our report you’ll have to send these separately.

Otherwise, please just jot down what you know on an email, or arrange a phone call with us. 

We look forward to working with you.

Alison and Roger
