Free Consultation
If you’re not sure how we can help, or what information we need, we offer a free email or phone (up to ½ hour) consultation. This can be before or after ordering a package of research from us. Please email us with your questions or use the contact form to arrange a convenient time for a phone call.

Research Packages
Family History Package 1 (15 hours): £275 ($366)
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Family History Package 2 (30 hours): £450 ($600)
[wp_paypal button="buynow" name="My product" amount="450.00" return=""]
Individual research (3 hours): £60
[wp_paypal button="buynow" name="My product" amount="60.00" return=""]
Other research (£20/hr, 2 hrs minimum) £20
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We’re usually available 8am to 8pm. This table shows your local time and the time in England.